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Facing the Precipice

Facing the Precipice

Recently, a group of noted scientists convened by the United Nations, sent out a warning that the world is approaching a point of no-return, where it will be too late to enact changes that will stop a potentially catastrophic world-wide global warming process. Global...

Executive Director’s Corner | May 2023

Executive Director’s Corner | May 2023

One of the vast learning curbs for running a nonprofit organization involves fundraising. Although often labeled as a “fearless leader,” when it comes to asking matters, I feel vulnerable knowing how closely people’s emotions are tied to money. To my surprise, this...

Executive Director’s Corner | May 2023

Executive Director’s Corner | February 2023

This April marks my 18th year at ISAAC as a co-founder and the second Executive Director since November 2011. Sometimes ignorance can unfold hidden potentials although the grueling and laborious work it entails. Pastoral and academic professions did not prepare me to...