Reflections on the Willow Creek GLS 2014

Well, we just finished another Global Leadership Summit with Bill Hybel's and Willow Creek (August 14-15). Our ED, myself and a few other of our fellow Asian American ministry workers attended. This blog is meant to share our mutual reflections on the Summit and how...

Susan Cain to appear at Willow Creek GLS

One of my favorite activities each summer is to attend the Willow Creek GLS and it is coming this week. This is a high-powered event across the country with some of the most creative and innovator thinkers and entrepreneurs in the non-profit and for-profit business...

The Planet of the Apes and Putin’s Plans

By Bill Watanabe I enjoyed the movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which came out this July. The movie is a sequel to the equally enjoyable Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which came out in 2011. The titles seem to be reversed—you would think the "Dawn" would come...