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Executive Director’s Corner | January 2023

January 24, 2023

The year 2023 began with Sustainability Strategy Summit with 12 people from all over the United States who generously poured out their intellectual and spiritual power. During our last session, Andrew Lee, a former ISAAC’s East Coast Regional Director, put it succinctly: the Triple S has been a rare “convergence of intellectual and spiritual power.” 12 people with great hearts dared to come to the table, not knowing what hidden treasures the Holy Spirit would unveil as we all gave our time and talents so generously. As we co-created, co-ministered, and let go of our needs to control and let God, we experienced “a glimpse of heaven” (Russell Moy). We also thank Gloria, ISAAC’s administrator, and Eric, who spent the week ministering directly to the Monterey Park gun violence victims. In many ways, they embodied “glimpses of heaven” to those within the community. As we collectively dream together for the future of Asian American Christianity, hope, joy, and gratitude fill our hearts.

Yuri Yamamoto, a hospital chaplain and an expressive art practitioner has no regular income but shared her stipend received from ISAAC at the end of December upon completing the program, How To Fuel Your Passion funded by Trinity Church Wall Street. She was so generous in her giving that it moved my heart:

“I want other women to have the same opportunity I have been given by ISAAC.”
-Yuri Yamamoto

Yuri’s paying it forward action is, however, rare among Asian Americans. The concept of tithing is long gone. For this reason, I dream of a year of plentitude, as Yuri demonstrated. Considering that “character directs people’s feelings, behaviors, and ways of thinking,” ISAAC seeks to develop a bunch of characters who demonstrate generosity of time, talents, and treasure. I want to thank all those program participants who paid forward to other women last December to benefit from ISAAC’s program. We are building a culture of generosity and plentitude to multiply spiritual, cultural, intellectual power of Asian American Christianity. For this reason, 12 people gathered at the Sustainability Strategy Summit and the Holy Spirt filled our hearts and minds. Stay tuned for updates😊 

Young Lee Hertig
Executive Director